Agents are not essential. Many, many writers make substantial amounts of cash without an agent. Independent publishers often prefer to deal direct with writers who are not represented. However, if you are interested in one of the big boys, the publishing houses that sell lots of books, then an agent is essential if only to get your proposal read.
One book that I have come across that will help US writer’s find an agent is Maria Schneider’s digital book Get An Agent. This book offers a bit of general advice before getting down to the nitty gritty of listing 100 E-friendly agents open to new writers. Each agent has their own entry which contains the agent's name, website address, email address and genre(s) they represents.
Gold dust for any writer - you can buy and download Get An Agent here.
Here’s an example:
Jenoyne Adams
Bliss Literary Agency International
•Adult fiction •Narrative Nonfiction •Writing books •Women's issues •Parenting •Environment •Animals •Literary •Ethnic/ Fiction •Middle Grade •YA Fiction and Nonfiction •Young Reader Literary •Fantasy •Urban •Graphic Novels